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Planning Board Minutes 08/18/05

Minutes of the August 18, 2005 Meeting

Members Present:
Scott Burnside  Bob Bethel      Bob Edwards             Ron Haggett             
        Renee Rabideau  Ed Rowehl       Brian Sawich
Members Absent:
        Fred Anderson           Alex Snow
Public Attendees:
        Bernadette Todd Ernest Todd     Cynthia Crockett        Helen Weymouth
        Jean Boyd               Jeanne Knapton                  Geraldine Rabideau      Mike Rondeau    Mike Beauchamp, Fire Chief      
        Andrew Robblee  Don Glover, Glover Construction
        Marsh Morrow, Monadnock Ledger          Peter Pitsas, Underwood Engineering
        Tim Ferwerda, Meridian Land Services    Peter Mellen, LLS

Chairman Burnside opened the meeting at 7:00 pm by appointing Ms. Rabideau to sit for Mr. Anderson. He introduced Mr. Beauchamp, Antrim’s Fire Chief who had requested the opportunity to address the Board on the subject of water supply sources for new developments. Mr. Beauchamp provided the members with copies of specifications for the construction of cisterns as a source of water for fire fighting. He said the recent fire at Pierce Lake Estates I was “an eye opener” on the need for an easily accessible source of water. He stated that some other towns are requiring 30,000-gallon tanks (one for each five homes). Estimates are that 30,000 gallons should be sufficient to take care of one home and start on a second home. The tanks can be no further away from the last house than 2,250 feet. He added that the Planning Board should have some criteria for what is required when granting new subdivisions and wondered how to go about establishing some form of regulations. He felt it was important to have a water supply available as the first twenty-five minutes is critical in putting down a dwelling fire. After some discussion, it was agreed that Mr. Beauchamp and members of the Fire Department would draft a proposed regulation which would be reviewed by the Board and presented for a public hearing. If adopted by the Board they would become part of the Subdivision and Site Plan Review Regulations. Members asked Mr. Beauchamp if current dry hydrants were maintained, to which he replied that they are checked at least twice a year. Mr. Beauchamp was asked if he had reviewed the drawings for the Knapton Pierce Lakes Estate II subdivision, and did he have any opinions on what the Fire Department would require for a water source. His initial thoughts would be a dry hydrant that would draw from the lake; however, he did not have enough information on what the high water mark would be when the lake is drawn down in the fall. It was agreed that he would consult with Mr. Mellon, the surveyor for the subdivision and Mr. Pitsas, the Town Engineer and make his recommendations to the Board. Mr. Beauchamp commented that he now had reservations regarding the fire pond in the Mulhall Farm subdivision because ponds are seasonal. Mr. Bethel asked if a dry hydrant in the Contoocook River would be better. Mr. Vasques questioned if the conditions which were part of the approval of the applications could be changed. Mr. Beauchamp said he was committed to his decision to recommend a fire pond. It was decided that Mr. Beauchamp would review the drawing of the fire pond and make his recommendations to the Board.

The next order of business was to continue the Public Hearing on the Chauncey application to renew the permit for the excavation site on Smith Road. Mr. Burnside recused himself and Mr. Edwards assumed the Chair. Mr. Ferwerda presented revised drawings which incorporated the changes requested at the July 21, 2005 meeting. Mr. Edwards asked for public comments. Ms. Rabideau asked if the operating hours could be changed to start at 7:00 am. Mr. Burnside explained the seasonal nature of the business and the need to operate in as many daylight hours as possible. Mr. Edwards asked if a time limit to complete the excavation should be placed on the drawings. Mr. Burnside said that would be difficult to do because it would be dependant on market demand for materials. The members concluded that all the information they had requested had been provided. Mr. Haggett moved to conditionally approve the application of Matthew & Diane Chauncey File # 2005-10PB for an Excavation Permit for property located of 119 Bridle Road, Antrim, NH, Tax Map 4 Lot 49 located in the Rural District. The applicant is applying for the renewal of an excavation site permit. The following conditions apply:

Planning Board requirements, commitments and agreements made by the applicant and/or his agent as recorded in the meeting minutes dated July 21, 2005 and August 18, 2005 as they pertain to this application are a conditional part of this approval.
The applicant is to obtain a building permit for any construction or alteration and adhere to all building, health and fire codes.
This approval is subject to a Site Specific Permit being approved by the State
This permit is valid only for the operation of the excavation site by Landsite Corp. and is not transferable.

Mr. Sawich seconded the motion. Roll call vote: Mr. Rowehl – aye, Mr. Bethel – aye, Mr. Edwards – aye, Mr. Sawich – aye, Ms. Rabideau – aye, Mr. Haggett – aye.

Mr. Edwards relinquished the Chair back to Mr. Burnside who then addressed the request by the Estate of Donald E. Knapton, Sr. for a Major Subdivision off property located on Pierce Lake Road, Antrim, NH 03440 Tax Map 7A, Lots 65, 65-1, 65-2 and 65-3 in the Rural and Lakefront Residential Districts. The applicant proposes to create eight lots. Mr. Burnside asked Mr. Mellen, the surveyor for the applicant to present their proposal. Ms. Rabideau recused herself from the Board. Mr. Mellen introduced Mrs. Knapton, Executrix of the Knapton Estate and Ms. Rabideau, the Wetland Scientist on the project. Mr. Mellen explained that the parcel to be subdivided had previously been subdivided in November of 2004 (File # 2004-14PB). Four of the five lots approved at that time are being re-subdivided. Mr. Mellen then followed his proposal outlined in his application letter dated July 5, 2005, a copy of which is in File # 2005-12PB. He said that a dredge and file permit had been applied for and granted. The Secretary will obtain a copy of it for the files. Mr. Mellen indicated that the road (Knapton Circle) would be built to the town’s Class V road specifications, paved and offered to the town for acceptance. The Secretary advised the members that Mr. Mellen will be meeting with the Selectmen on August 22nd to petition them to accept the road. Mr. Mellen had already met with Mr. Pitsas of Underwood Engineering who had reviewed the road construction drawings and they were working on the changes to be made. The question of a water supply to fight fires was brought up. Mr. Mellen was told that the Fire Chief’s initial review indicated he would like to install a dry hydrant into the lake. Some discussion followed regarding establishing the high water mark when the lake is drawn down. Concerns were also expressed if enough suction could be developed from the tankers to draw from the lake because of the elevation. It was concluded that the Fire Chief should submit his requirements in writing to Mr. Mellen for his response. Mr. Rowehl felt that there was sufficient information for the Board to enter into deliberation and he moved that the application be accepted. Mr. Haggett seconded the motion. Roll call vote: Mr. Bethel – aye, Mr. Edwards – aye, Mr. Haggett – aye, Mr. Rowehl – aye, Mr. Sawich – aye.

Mr. Burnside then opened the public hearing on the application. He asked for abutters who were in favor of the application to comment. There was none. He then asked abutters to comment who where in opposition to the application. Ms. Crockett was concerned that an agreement had been reached in the previous application for a five-lot subdivision and she didn’t understand why they now wanted an eight-lot subdivision. She felt that this was a step backwards. Mr. Mellen explained that Mr. Knapton had settled on the five-lot subdivision because the cost to put in a Class V road was prohibitive and the Planning Board would not grant access to the four lakefront lots over a deeded right of way. Also, market conditions were such that there was little interest in a large parcel of land on the lake. In the interim time, it seamed feasible to redesign the subdivision which resulted in a shorter road with less of a grade; hence economically feasible to construct. Ms. Crocket felt that such reasoning was not grounds to increase the number of lots. She felt that the applicant should be forward thinking, be a good neighbor and reduce the subdivision back to five lots.

Mr. Rondeau, who abuts the property said that he was not in opposition to the application but did have some concerns. He was happy with the relocation of the road but was concerned with the deeded right of way into Lot 65. He claimed that the right of way (which in essence is his driveway) was used by Mr. Knapton to develop what was to be the original road. A good deal of damage was done to the driveway and Mr. Knapton claimed that he would restore it to its original condition but he never did so Mr. Rondeau repaired it himself. He is concerned that the deeded right of way will again be used to bring in construction equipment to Lot 65 and damage his driveway and if that happens, it will not be repaired. He asked that the deeded right of way to Lot 65 be removed from his property. Mr. Mellen said that they would consider the matter. Another concern was that he was under the impression that the entire Lot 65 (prior to the 2004 subdivision) would be sold to one individual; hence, there would probably be only one house built on the lot. Consequently he sited his house as close to the property line as was allowed. He is now concerned that a home can be situated close to his house and he would have no privacy. He asked if some sort of buffer zone could be established along the northern boundary line of Lot 65. Mr. Mellen said he would look into it. Lastly, he referred to the restrictions in the deeds for Pierce Lake Estates I, specifically that no home could be less then 2,000 square feet. He asked if there would be such covenants in the deeds for Pierce Lake Estate II to restrict small homes, trailers and the like. Mr. Mellen said that this request would be considered.

Ms. Weymouth expressed her concerns about the disturbance of the wetlands. She was worried about construction debris and salt runoff from the road going into the lake. Runoff from the property enters the lake alongside her property and that’s where they draw their water. She was upset because the original damage done to the wetlands when the clearing was made for the road was never corrected. She asked if the plan was to still take down the hill for material to construct the road and Mr. Mellen said that the new proposal did not contemplate taking down the hill. She asked if there were any plans to replace the trees which were cut. Mr. Mellen said that he would be meeting with the Conservation Commission to see what their requirements might be.

Ms. Crocket asked if any impact studies had been done, specifically, were matters of water and safety addressed. The Secretary stated that the Fire Chief was reviewing the drawings and would make his recommendations and that the Police Department has reviewed the plans and recommended a number of traffic control devices. Mr. Robblee asked if it was necessary to name the road “Knapton Circle”. Mr. Mellen said that it was customary for the developer to name roads within a development.

Following some discussion, a site walk was arranged for 8:00 am on Saturday, September 10, 2005. Mrs. Knapton gave her permission for members of the public to attend the site walk. Mr. Burnside continued the public hearing until 7:30 pm on September 15, 2005. Mr. Mellen is to provide revised drawings to the Town Planner by September 8th for review.

Mr. Burnside continued the public hearing for the Laubers. Since road drawings and revised subdivision drawings were not presented to the Town Planner in a timely manner, the public hearing was continued until 7:30 pm on September 15, 2005.

Approval of the August 4, 2005 meeting minutes was tabled. Miscellaneous correspondence was reviewed.

Mr. Vasques presented a proposal to study the rezoning of Route 9. He stated that the Citizen’s Route 9 Committee was planning to petition to place a ballot item for the March meeting similar to the one on the 2005 ballot which was defeated. Mr. Vasques felt that it would be prudent for the Planning board to be pro active and try to meet with the committee to see if some compromises could be worked out that would preserve commercial space, yet address the committee’s concerns. Following some discussion, it was agreed that Mr. Vasques should meet with the committee. Mr. Sawich agreed to work with him on the project.

Mr. Haggett made a motion to adjourn which was seconded by Mr. Rowehl and passed. Mr. Burnside adjourned the meeting at 9:50 pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Paul L. Vasques, Secretary
Antrim Planning Board